Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Coffee Cup of Fate

It's not a pleasant feeling, being told that the job that you enjoy will no longer exist in ten days time. I felt this icy coldness wash over me as I sat in the boardroom with ten of my colleagues, listening to words altering the directions of our lives.

Ten jobs were going, five new roles would replace them.

I've got till next Wednesday to decide if I want to apply for one of these all new, downsized roles - doing some of what I do now but a lot more of it. All the interesting bits, the challenging parts, would be going.

Or, do I take on board the (bloody cheesy, granted, but *spookily* apt) words written on my takeaway coffee cup this morning? Turn over a new leaf? Do something completely different?

Coffee in my blood
Sunshine in my head
Music in my soul
Ambition in my eyes
Answers in my heart
Destiny in my hands
A sparkle in my step
A song in my lungs


dina said...

My coffee cups are never that inspirational, I have got to move to NZ :-)
Sorry to hear about your job, companies suck with all their "restructuring" and "cost initiatives". Follow the coffee cup? Don't follow the coffee cup? Good luck with your decision.

Anonymous said...

I say follow the coffee cup! I did that 18 months ago. I haven't made a dime since (but I'm getting there! and have been mostly thoroughly enjoying myself the whole while!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your job. :( I would suggest following your heart, if possible.