Thursday, September 18, 2008

This is the start of something new...

So, Day Two of my recuperation, and jeez, the drugs*, man. They work, but they sure knock you around.

As I type this (sitting in the lounge, watching Extreme Makeover with the French doors open - it's a gorgeous day out there and I so wish I felt energetic enough to get stuck into the garden) I can hear the din of the earth moving machinery drifting across from the newly cleared stockyards as the contractors prepare the ground for the foundations for Lil'Sis and Bruvinlaw's barn-house.

Now, for those of you who haven't been lurking round here very long, my sister and her family have been living with us for the past nine months waiting on planning permission and red tape and contractors and for the rain to stop so they can build their dream house.

It's not been easy, especially through this winter when it rained endlessly and the site where the house is going to built was a vast bog of mud and cow shite and a Bermuda Triangle of lost gumboots.

And then there's the family of five added to the family of three - oh the noise, oh the mess, oh the tolerance and respect that has to be exercised. I am truly amazed that our washing machine hasn't carked it after all these months of triple duty and don't get me started on the Curried Sausages**.

So, it's there has been a great lifting of spirits for everyone - this weekend gone it finally, finally stopped raining so the contractors could make a start, and after four days there's flat packed-down shingle everywhere obliterating all traces of mud and the grid for the concrete foundation is ready to be assembled.

It's all starting to become a reality instead of a dream. Hallelujah!

*A three day course of steroids. I've got the suggestion of a faint moustache already.
** A favourite of Bruvinlaw's but without a doubt the most depised meal of my childhood. However, my bossy little Good Manners Fairy insists that I eat them. Gag!


Anonymous said...

I feel your steroidal pain. I am in the middle my longest, strongest course of the wonder drugs to date. The bugs are disappearing which is wonderful. But the side effects ... a two edged sword.

Antipodeesse said...

Congratulations on having kept your Sense of Humoura Intactica!
