Sunday, October 26, 2008

There be a barn

As you can see, the skeleton of our houseguests' new barn house is up, and we are all starting to believe it's all actually going to happen which is cause for much smiling and all round good humour. Bruvinlaw had the help of his brother, Dad and the Other Harf over the weekend (as well as a truck with a "hiab" or crane on the back) to erect the main structural girders, but from now on he's pretty much on his own building it.

My brother-in-law is truly indoctrined in the school of Do-It-All-By-Yourself and will only ask for help when he really, really needs it, but lifting 300kg girders all on his own was slightly beyond his capabilities.

In other news, it's Labour Weekend which means a holiday so us office plebs don't have to go to work tomorrow, a thought that feels me with a small but consistent glow of happiness. No 1 on the agenda will be an extensive, wallowy sleep-in, all depending on the decibel level of Nephew T, whose window-shattering morning chorus of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star can put the kibosh on that.

1 comment:

Deeleea said...

I can feel the excitement from here...