Monday, October 13, 2008

So what's this about Hanmer Springs?

Oh, the aching tediousness that is the first day back at work after a wonderful holiday. There is very little that sucks, in the suckiest kind of way, then your first day back. Perhaps bikini waxing comes to mind, as does being left with the last chocolate in a box of Roses and realising it's a coffee creme, blurk.

Anyway, ha! So much for my ambitious plan to share my photographs with the world wide web on a daily basis; the mountainous terrain we stayed in combined with New Zealand's fourth rate internet service soon put a stop to that.

Despite my techie temper tantrums, we had a most fabulously awesome holiday, and the weather was glorious - warm and clear and perfect for taking photographs and general sightseeingness. Miss 8 loved Hanmer Springs (where we spent days 1 & 2 of our week's holiday) and would never have gotten out of the pools until I told her that her skin would wrinkle up *so* much that when she eventually did get out of the pools all her clothes would be too big for her and fall off her on the walk back to the motel. Bwah-ha-ha!

So she only spent four hours instead of eight hours in the hotpools.

The Other Harf declared Hanmer Springs his favourite also, and was able to soak his very dodgy back in the 36C pool to his heart's content.

I liked Hanmer Springs for the lovely daffodils growing under the oak trees in the main street, the crystal clear views of the Southern Alps looming above the little town and the incredibly photogenic wee lambies decorating the paddocks round the town...

(And there'll be even more photos and witty dialogue to accompany them later on this week when I regain some patience with the pensioned-off hamster speed of my home internet connection, feckin' thing)

Thanks to Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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