Sunday, November 2, 2008

For a rosier future

There is never enough time to do want you want to do in the two days that is the weekend (although I finally managed to attach the climbing roses to the verandah after two and a half years of procrastinating so they can actually climb instead of sprawl).

Next weekend our country is holding its general election, and I personally have scoured the propaganda from all the major political parties from cover to cover, and unfortunately there is no policy on the possibility of three-day weekends.

Because I'd so vote for that party.

Now I know that the world will not be waiting with bated breath on the result of New Zealand's election, but they will be on the edge of their seats waiting on the result of the US Presidential Election this coming Tuesday.

So get out there and vote whether Kiwi or American; if you don't vote you can't complain.

Dublin Bay , originally uploaded by Fi@Photografi.


Anonymous said...

I voted! And I hope there is nothing to complain about!!

Aimz said...

We should start our own party and that way us kiwis can have all the three day weekends we want!