Sunday, November 16, 2008

Two kilometres and ten metres, exactly

In rural New Zealand there are no street or road numbers as such. Rural homes are designated a rural delivery zone surrounding the nearest big town or city, and are numbered depending on how wide the zone is. We live in rural delivery zone 8, also known as "RD8" and have our mail delivered at breakneck speed by a smiley bloke in a tired old Toyota Hiace van who always waves as he almost runs you off the road.

However, to make life easier for posties, we also have a system which takes the distance from the nearest main road as a "letterbox" number.

Not that our letterbox is particularly flash that is, but the succulants, bracken, moss, agapanthus and spiders seem to like it.

1 comment:

Le laquet said...

Neill Murray over at Coffee waffle did some beautiful shots of - well of everything actually - but I loved his postbox shots and am desperately trying to find them. I blame my desperate need to visit EnZed firmly on yours/his photos ... it's all your fault ;o)