Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Last Post

It's five days till my final day at work, and it's like this peak that I'm climbing towards and I can't see the view from the very top, but I know it's there and it's a fabulous view, and I know I'm going to feel this overwhelming sense of relief and delight when finally I scale it.

This whole redundancy thing has opened my eyes to just how much the tiniest, every day stresses of working a 40-hour week for a demanding corporate employer have layered themselves over me like an accumulation of dust - dust that weighs you down and chips away at your contentment.

I'm so thankful that I've lost my job, this job, and been given the present of having the height of summer to relax, to garden, to be outdoors all day, to take photographs, to spend lots of time with my daughter, to cast off that dust and start from scratch.

This time is also something I want use to inspire my online life too. I don't feel happy with leaving Kiwifruit behind, but then again, I love the freedom and flexibility of Blogger - the wonderfulness that is posting by mobile phone. I need to combine the benefits of both, somehow.

I'm also looking forward to having time to connect with some new people online, and time on Facebook and Twitter, places that I know my blogging friends (and non-blogging ones) frequent but at the moment I just don't seem to make time for.

I want to connect the dots of my existence on the internet and make it work for me.

So at this point I want to say a very Merry Christmas to anybody who reads this post, as Photografi is going on holiday too. Thank you for reading this somewhat earnest, browbeating missive and I hope that one day you'll come back and check up on what happened to me over this kind-of-special summer.



The Other Harf, Pippa, Miss 8.3, Nephew T, Niece G and Niece T, yesterday afternoon


Le laquet said...

A good time ahead even if in loosing the job is not soemthing you thought would be "good." Enjoy your summer Fi :o)

The Flying Enchilada said...

Have a happy summer Fi!! Enjoy the bliss :)

I know what you mean about the internets. I've pretty much abandoned my blog. I frequent Twitter and Facebook sooo much more now. Plus I've joined an online mommy site and get my angst out, there, making blogging pretty unnecessary.

Anyways, I hope to meet up with you on Twitter and Facebook!

Happy Christmas to you and yours :)

Imageo said...

All the best for Xmas & the New Year - and the future, Fi. Cheers !

Deeleea said...

I'm looking forward to being part of the holiday! Even for just a little while! We can have lovely long chats about the internets and what wonderful things we can do on it!!

Anonymous said...

Forced time off to reflect and catch up on life - absolutely priceless. Enjoy it and enjoy a fabulous kiwi summer. Looking forward to catching up with a new and refreshed you in the blogisphere whenever you are ready.

Aimz said...

yep I can definitely relate to what you're saying Fi. I use to work 40 hours a week too and it's alot to have to miss out on seeing my children,getting housework done etc and then my hours got taken to to 20 a week and I like it that way. It's way better.

Rob said...

Bit of a job quandary, myself. I know the feelings. Wishing you well, Fi. I'll check in periodically, as always.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blogs (Kiwifruit too!) for the last few years and would like to keep in touch with you on Facebook. Can we exchange last names so I can look you up? I'm Rhonda Shymko from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada).

Greg said...

Joyeux Noël Fi & family. Enjoy the silly season (safely of course).

Anonymous said...

Wishing you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - enjoy the summer! *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

I hope this doesn't mean that there won't be any awesome New Zealand summer pics.

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