Monday, September 22, 2008

The Curse of the Curried Sausage

Yes folks, just to contribute to a rather serious dose of Mondayitis, guess what's for dinner!
Please cheer me up by telling me what's your all-time worst meal and why?


Deeleea said...


erm... worst meal...

It used to be mince... you know... classic mince with frozen mixed veges floating in it... then Mum found a fancy recipe with curry powder and mustard which was a lot nicer...

Now days?? It'd be anything with offal in it... blergh...

Anonymous said...

Well, the ribs i tried to burn the house down with yesterday would have to be right up there...

Ms Mac said...

We all used to love curried sausages. The boys, when they were wee, used to call them "currages".

Now we can't get the proper Aussie beef sausos and I'm sad. :-(

Le laquet said...

Umm ... it would have to be over-cooked stew with rock hard dumplings just like my grandad used to make - he'd removed the smole detector batteries long before this point!

The Flying Enchilada said...

When you have this:

There's never a bad meal.