Sunday, September 21, 2008

All hail the Weedeating Wonderwoman

Sunday afternoon, and I'm lolling across our bed in a patch of sunshine which is doing a fine job soothing my aching muscles after a day of hard-out weedeating. I can't remember the last time I was on weedeating duty, but I haven't forgotten how bloody knackering it can be!

However, I am sure in my new vocation of full-time gardener I will be assigned to the task permanently and will naturally be requiring a full-time massueur who is the spitting image of Viggo just to keep me in functioning order.

Once I've finished posting this, I'm off to peel a bazillion potatoes and kumara (sweet potato) to accompany tonight's dinner of roast lamb. Or, even better, I'm off to extract three young girls from in front of Hannah Montana and second them into peeling them all for me. Queue the extensive moaning.

I leave you with this afternoon's photographic efforts.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Deeleea said...

Nice pix Fi! Congrats on the finals over at Amy's Greeblepix contest too!!

Mmmmm Roast Lamb....

dina said...

When you find that masseur, find out if he has a twin, ok?