Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The telly's on the blink

Luckily I have a very satisfactory backup plan.
You know, it really wouldn't be such a tragedy to give up the googlebox permanently. I don't think I'd miss it too much (although I did become slightly addicted to the first series of "Mad Men").
Would you ever consider ditching telly?


Ms Mac said...

Oooh, I quite enjoyed the Ian Walthew book.

I haven't seen Mad Men yet. I desperately want to though. Although I know I wouldn't die or anything without my telly, I would be really quite upset if somebody told me I could never watch it again!

dina said...

I didn't have a tv for a year when I was single and I didn't miss it. We don't have cable, so we get by downloading most of our shows or watching DVDs. It's nice to pick and choose instead of watching what ever's on. Most of the time the box is on it's mostly kid shows. I had this dream that my kids wouldn't be addicted to tv, but threw that out the window at some point.... the shame...

The Flying Enchilada said...

Hells to the no! TV is is my nourishment!