Monday, October 27, 2008

The Labours of Labour Day

1) Folded four loads of washing.
2) Washed three loads of washing.
3) Planted five trees.
4) Pruned two rose bushes.
5) Took 23 photos of a kereru feeding on kowhai berries.
6) Donated three bags of clothing to the Children's Cancer Society.
7) Read one magazine in bed (Practical Photography) with a cup of tea (Choysa) and two slices of toast (one with Marmite, one with guava jelly).
8) Watched WALL-E with three little girls - we gave the movie 8 Chocolate Fish out of 10.
9) Painted ten toenails for the first time in five months (Maybelline Express Finish in "Brassy").
10) Had two (so far, that is...) glasses of Shingle Peak Sauvignon Blanc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great weekend! love those toesies!