Sunday, November 9, 2008

Up in a cloud of smoke

So last night, while the vote counting boffins did their thing (New Zealand now has an all-new, right-of-centre government after nine years of a left-of-centre one) the family gathered on the verandah rugged up against a rather chilly breeze and watched Bruvinlaw (who is always roped into doing it) set fire to sticks of gumpowder in celebration of the foiling of the plot by the dastardly Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament 403 years ago.

I wonder how much longer, in this day and age of political correctness and red tape, will we be able to celebrate this odd, ancient custom.


Le laquet said...

Was he really dastardly or was he just a good catholic boy doing his bit against the nasty old King James chappie?? I just know I don't want the pretty fireworks to stop.

Aimz said...

I dunno Fi, the bad apples have spoiled it with their silly antics for the rest of us.