Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Home on the range

Dedicated readers with razor sharp memories may recall that six or so weeks ago I found out that my job, along with ten others in the department that I work in, was being "disestablished" and then relocated to Auckland, and four new roles were being created doing the leftover work.

We could apply for the new roles, the roles relocating, or take the redundancy package offered of four weeks pay for the first year of service and two for each subsequent year.

After a great deal of hand wringing over many glasses of wine, and intensive analysis of the situation with colleagues, friends and family, I decided to go with the latter option.

I've now been given my finish date of Friday the 19th of December - a date extremely convenient in that a) it's the day school breaks up for the year and b) the company Christmas party on the following Saturday night will double as my leaving do, woo-hoo!

It's also convenient in that come January I'm going to be an aunt, again. Lil'Sis is having Baby No4 (oh how her and I have differing ideas on motherhood!) and I'm seconded on nanny duty to look after Nephew T and the rest of the motley gang, as Bruvinlaw will be frantically trying to finish their house in order to accommodate all their offspring.

In between all the child-mongering I plan on getting our unruly, overgrown garden into shape, and spend lots of time outside in the fresh air and sunshine, away from desks and offices and number-crunching.

Come February it will be time for the big children to go back to school, and time for me to think about finding employment again. I don't know what I want to do, but I do know that this time that I need more time doing what really makes me happy and that involves spending more time here, at home.


Ms Mac said...

Enjoy your home-time, Fi. I'll certainly enjoy you being at home if you manage to get out and about with your camera!

And congratulations on niece/nephew No.4!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I suppose I could move there and we could hang out together for our jobs. Do you think anyone would pay us for that?

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a really good plan. Bad things can sometimes have that silver lining. Good luck!

Aimz said...

hey, you could have my job! BUt you'd have to stick up for yourself, you know what sales people are like *sigh*